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Cognitive AI Financial Crime Compliance

Empowering growth, building trust and optimizing operational excellence

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Leading brands trust ThetaRay

ThetaRay accelerates growth by turning compliance and risk management into a strategic advantage

Our Cognitive AI solutions identify hidden risks, streamline processes, build trust, and empower institutions to adapt, grow, and deliver seamless customer experiences.

Customer Stories

Business Impact

Manage Risk and Grow Within a Compliant Framework

  • Empower Growth

    Grow your business without the constraints of false positives or operational inefficiencies, ensuring seamless customer onboarding and market expansion with a clear understanding of risk.

  • Build and Retain Trust

    Safeguard your reputation by ensuring compliance and minimizing financial crime risk, while maintaining the trust of clients, regulators, and investors through transparent and accurate decision-making.

  • Gain Actionable, Dynamic Intelligence

    Access real-time insights that help you make smarter decisions, uncover subtle changes and connections, proactively address risks, and seize new opportunities.

  • Maintain a Competitive Edge

    Maintain a Competitive Edge: Optimize operations, eliminate inefficiencies, and prioritize business growth to stay ahead of evolving market demands.

Cognitive AI Financial Crime Compliance

  • Effective Transaction Monitoring

    Detects evolving threats with unparalleled accuracy—using a data-driven approach to strengthen financial crime compliance and achieve faster, more accurate alerts/results. Benefit from an approach which builds regulatory trust, reduces compliance costs, and allocates resources toward growth opportunities—all while delivering a seamless experience for legitimate customers.

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  • Dynamic Customer Risk Assessment

    Delivers a dynamic and precise approach to assessing customer risk, with efficiency and customer experience at its core. Analyzes data in real-time, providing deep insights into customer behaviors, transaction trends, and relationships—empowering financial institutions to proactively identify risks, ensure compliance, and support confident business growth.

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  • Real-time Transaction and Customer Screening

    ThetaRay Screening delivers an efficient method for identifying and mitigating risks associated with potentially suspicious individuals, entities, and transactions, while enhancing the customer experience. Accurately verify names of people and organizations against vast watchlist databases and check counterparties in all financial transactions.

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A renowned European bank with global financial services, Santander operates in various sectors including retail banking, commercial banking, and investment services. ThetaRay partners with Santander to enhance financial crime detection across retail and large corporate and institutional banking (CIB). This collaboration has been particularly impactful in high-risk use cases, such as correspondent banking.

Who We Help

​​ThetaRay enables the banking and fintech industries to drive compliant growth while making AML and financial crime detection effective and efficient.

  • Banking

    Reduce risk exposure

    Open up new corridors, new customers and new opportunities for growth

    ThetaRay’s unique approach factors in dozens of risk indicators to paint a clear picture for compliance teams to detect suspicious activities. Configurable, and easily integrated, ThetaRay delivers immediate impact.

    We ensure that financial crime is detected and blocked with unmatched accuracy.

    Explore Banking
  • Fintech

    Build lasting trust

    Rapidly growing fintechs with complex and cross-border ecosystems benefit greatly from ThetaRay’s unparalleled detection capabilities.

    Experience low alert volumes, reduced false positives, fast and easy implementation, and detection of previously unknown suspicious behaviors.

    Avoid blocking and/or slowing down transactions to continuously expand your business and solidify customer relationships.

    Explore Fintech

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